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Showing posts from April, 2018

Benefits of Green Tea

There are many health benefits of green tea but how many cups and how long must you take it to notice results? Green tea is said to be the healthiest discovered yet. Over the years more people have turned to healthy tea to deal with weight and beauty issues. Here are the benefits of green tea Improves brain function Green tea is mostly liked by students because just like coffee, it helps one stay awake. However, studies show that green tea can also improve your brain health and make you smarter. The caffeine in green tea is just enough to stimulate your mind without the ‘jumpy’ effects of excessive caffeine. Caffeine works by blocking Adenosine (inhibitory neurotransmitter ) and increasing the concentration of other neurotransmitters like norepinephrine and dopamine. Green tea also contains L-theanine, an amino acid that improved brain function. With L-theanine makes green tea good remedy for anxiety. L-theanine also helps to increase dopamine levels and redu

Good Nutrition

Leading a healthy lifestyle is a combination of not only staying active but eating a balanced diet. What you put into your body can impact on weight gain and loss, aches in your joints and even aid mild depression. Learning what to eat and why and what effects of eating badly can be essential if you're looking to be healthier. Having bad nutrition can leave you vulnerable to heart disease, raise your chances of diabetes and increase your risk of developing certain cancers. Here we'll help you learn how to have a good nutrition. How to Have a Good Nutrition One of the simplest ways to have good nutrition is to start with the basics: instead of reaching for the processed foods in the frozen section - try grabbing ingredients instead to make the meal. Another tip is to go for whole foods: wholewheat and wholegrain for example. This encompasses cereals, breads and pastas. These groups are still carbs and should be eaten in moderation, but switching to wholewheat and grai

Calories and Benefits of Basmati Rice

A thin and elongated grain, cooked to double the size, intense aroma, excellent if in the company of spicy dishes, tasty meats or vegetables: it is basmati rice. "Queen of Fragrance" is the translation of the Indian name - a testimony to its particular fragrance, to its delicate flavor, its spicy aroma and its natural scent reminiscent of sandalwood. Basmati rice has been grown in India and Pakistan for hundreds of years and some varieties are now grown in the United States. Cultivated in India and Pakistan for hundreds of years, but also in other parts of the world, some of the varieties, is known for its better glycemic index (58) compared to white rice: it is rich in amylopectin, suitable for those who follow diet not making glucose levels rise quickly in the body. Over 86 varieties, 18 notes for the unmistakable quality of the original rice. Benefits Balancing of intestinal gastric functions and regulators of blood function. Rice is also on the market in the

How many calories are in an orange ?

The orange is good and nutritious, native to China and spreaded over the centuries throughout the world and it’s a panacea for the body. But how many calories does an orange have and what do you know about its nutritional values? ORANGE CALORIES AND NUTRITIONAL VALUES Mostly composed of water (86%), sugars (9%), proteins, fibers and fats. Very high is the content of vitamin C, in percentage, to be exact 53.2 mg per 100g of pulp. So to ensure the vitamin C needs an orange is recommended a day: we remember that vitamin C is very important, essential for the defense of the body, for the heart, to soothe or prevent stress and fatigue. Vitamins A, B1, B3, B5, J and E can be supplied from orange. Among the minerals instead we count phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, zinc, calcium. For 100 grams of orange you get 47 calories, 1g of protein, 12g of carbohydrates, 2.4g of fiber.

Importance of Protein

The human body can not survive without proteins . But why? In this article we will illustrate the various points of the aforementioned reason and therefore the why of the importance of proteins . To underestimate the importance of proteins is one of the most dangerous fads of recent times, as well as the promotion of the scarce intake of quantitative proteins and the assertion that the qualitative distinction of the various food sources makes no sense. The consideration of two prerequisites is fundamental to understand the need for protein : • Proteins, whose name means "occupying the first position", "first" or "main", are substances that arise from the endless combinations of twenty amino acids. The result of these combinations are macromolecules - proteins in fact - with highly specific functions that are essential for the proper functioning of our organism and it regards: antibodies, enzymes, hemoglobin, some hormones and many

Apple Calories

How many calories does an apple have (kcal)? What are the nutritional properties of this fruit that is commonly indicated in detox and slimming diets? In the next lines, we will reveal the average calories of the apple , we would also show you a comparison with other types of fruit, such as bananas and cherries because eating fruit in a conscious way is very healthy and can be useful to improve your fitness. How many calories does an apple have? We'll let you know immediately! On average the calories of an apple are 90 kcal : 200 grams is the weight of a whole fruit, while in the nutritional tables we read that 100 grams of apple are worth 45 kcal . It is quite simple therefore the calculation: the apple in its normal conditions, whole and not processed, hardly exceed more than 100 calories, but it is not to be specified as a low value when compared with those of other fruit categories that, are less caloric. Kiwis and pears for instance, for every 100 grams are worth a

Starchy Carbs

What are they? The carbohydrate typical of the plant world, starch , is the main constituent of those foods and products that are referred to as starchy, starchy carbohydrates or just simply starchy carbs . They are a form of reserve energy for plants which in order to perform vital and reproduction functions accumulate starch, to cope with winter (see tubers, potatoes) or to allow the seed germination and the development of the new born plant. Which are they? The cassava (tropical tuber), the seeds of cereals (wheat, corn, rice, barley, oats ...) and buckwheat, the food products derived from them (flour, starch, biscuits, rice, bread, pasta, cereals for breakfast, polenta ...) are among the best known starchy foods; legumes also represent a source of starch despite being listed among protein foods for their generous protein content. Starchy carbohydrates have therefore a nutritional role, there are aspects to take into consideration (as excess and benefits / or not for hea

Foods that Decrease Iron Absorption

It is of fundamental importance for your health to know the factors and foods that lead to the absorption of iron . There is a risk of iron deficiency if you do not pay attention to some aspects because the iron we ingest is not always assimilated by the body: but do not worry with some precautions you can be sure to receive all the essential nutrients you need for a strong, healthy and happy body. The iron must be taken daily : the human body has a reserve pool, there is the modulation of absorption according to needs, there are recovery mechanisms but iron is useful every day for various activities and is therefore indicated consume those foods that give the body this precious element. It is therefore very useful to know which foods lead to reducing or limiting the absorption of iron and which instead favor it. Which foods reduce iron absorption ? First of all, foods rich in tannins : chocolate, some types of tea. Those with polyphenols : coffee inhibits the absorpti